neprix: two souls, one heart

Credit and real estate. neprix has two souls but only one heart, and it’s a technological, dynamic and innovative one. A heart that beats with a fluid, powerful and regular rhythm. “When we created neprix, our guiding light was the idea of specialisation and professional competence” - the company’s CEO Andrea Battisti tells us, thinking back to the first days - “illimity is a challenger bank that has been playing an out-of-the-box role from the very start as the result of a precise decision taken by management and Corrado Passera, and our aim was to work our way into that groove. To create a business capable of supporting the bank and its customers throughout the entire process of managing and selling credits and real estate”.

A company that makes difficult things easy. “Human, energetic, but – thanks to neprix Tech – one having a technological heart consisting of a team of 50 people capable of developing the applications used internally and generating innovation for an entity’s key business activities”.

In just a few words Battisti explains what neprix is capable of doing and who it sees as its targets.

“Our targets are Italian and international banking players that invest in distressed credit, we are able support them in the purchase and management process thanks to our experience and professional skills” – Battisti continued – “we look after everything from start to finish, whether we are talking about a single-name credit, an individual property or an entire portfolio”.

The first step is to perform a rigorous due diligence, “using state-of-the-art digital tools, access to data banks and the collaboration of specialist advisors, with a tailor-made approach based on an in-depth analysis of the information available. But what enables us to stand out more than anything else is the possibility of internally following the process from the purchase to the sale, so as to gain the maximum value from the asset thanks to a network of specialist portals having over twenty million hits a year and more than seven hundred thousand registered users”.

The power of the web, undoubtedly. But there’s more to it than that. There’s another secret, revealed Renato Ciccarelli, the company’s general manager.

We’re the Italian network with the greatest experience in online auctions, a means of establishing the price that enables the maximum value to be obtained by speaking to a selected audience. But we never lose sight of the local area. We use technology as a means and not an end”. In what way? “Our staff are present locally, following every stage of the process: from drawing up the valuation to preparing video footage consisting of a full-circle virtual tour, from the creation of complete technical schedules to the publication of the assets on third-party channels and the assistance given to potential purchasers at every stage of the negotiations and post-sale management. The mistake that many people make is that they want to be disruptive, to break off completely with the past.

But what is needed is the ability to enter and exit the web when needed. Our revolution? The combination of services we provide”.

logoArec neprix S.p.A. is the new company of illimity Bank, dedicated to credit management and focused on corporate customers * .Fully paid up Share capital € 50,000.00Office: Via Soperga, 9 - 20127 Milano | Via Abruzzi, 3 - 00187 Roma Tax Code and Registration no. Of the Companies Register of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi: 10130330961Economic Administrative Index MI- 2507951Company participating in the "illimity" VAT Group No. 12020720962Company with sole shareholder belonging to Gruppo Illimity Bank S.p.A. registered in the Register of Banking Groups at No. 245.Company subject to management and coordination activities of illimity Bank S.p.A.
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Arec neprix S.p.A. is an operator authorised under art. 115 of the Consolidated Law on Public Security (Testo Unico delle Leggi di Pubblica Sicurezza, TULPS), Cat. 13d – Admin. and Social Police Div. n. 22/2022, authorisation of the Milan Police Headquarters. neprix is fully controlled by illimity Bank (www.illimity.com)