Applications open for FAMP, ARECneprix's new training program for the Asset Managers of the future

Six months to train the Asset Managers of the future. It’s called FAMP and the acronym stands for Future Asset Manager Program: illimity academy’s new training opportunity open to all new graduates and undergraduates who want to start their career in a high-potential industry. With the scientific supervision of Laura Grassi, lecturer at Milan Polytechnic, a maximum of ten candidates will enter the heart of the Asset Manager profession with frontal classroom lessons and support training in ARECneprix. The teaching staff will consist mainly of professionals in ARECneprix and illimity in order to give a practical slant to the program, but the Polytechnic’s professors and those of other universities will also provide their contribution as well as professionals who collaborate with ARECneprix.  


The study plans 

The program concentrates on the specific subject of credit management in all its aspects, from analysis to the formulation of the strategy for maximising returns.  


The Asset Manager deals with credit positions for their entire lifecycle and has a profound knowledge of the organisational structure, the policy and the processes. Financial economic principles, legal expertise, applications systems, vertical skills in real estate, cross-disciplinary abilities: these are just a few of the areas the lessons will focus on. The FAMP course lasts six months, with frontal lessons from Monday to Friday that will be given at  the offices of ARECneprix in Milan, just a short walk from Central Station, for a total of two hundred hours. “The very fact of being in the company’s offices will enable students to interact at once with management”, states Ilaria Pascutti, Head of HR in ARECneprix. 

Lessons will be given on the basis of the model followed in the world’s best business schools, which alternate classroom lessons with on-the-job training and make extensive use of case studies and simulations. Sessions working alongside expert colleagues are also included, as a means of learning by watching a real working day. At the end of the course there will be the possibility of being taken on with an apprenticeship contract in the company’s offices in Milan or Rome.  


Admission requirements and deadline 

The program is intended for undergraduates or graduates who are following or have followed courses in economics, engineering or architecture, who have obtained a bachelor’s or master’s degree not more than twelve months previously and who are under thirty years of age. Students close to completing their degree courses will be required to finish all their examinations before the start of the FAMP course (planned for the middle of October). 

“The Future Asset Manager Program was created to give the possibility to young people approaching the beginning of their working careers of developing their skills in what is an enormous market”, was the way Andrea Battisti, CEO of ARECneprix, summarised the situation. “We want to teach an approach unlike the traditional one, one that is based on the manager’s professionalism, in order to work together with our customers to find tailored, valuable solutions that can have a real effect on local communities and the local area”. 

Applications remain open until 3 September 2023. An initial video interview will subsequently be followed by a motivation test, a business case and an interview with the line and with HR. The result of the selection process will be announced on 29 September 2023. Registration on the FAMP is free of charge, while successful candidates will receive 700 euros a month for the internship, together with meal tickets. When making the application candidates can put their names forward for internship in the UTP Asset Management area, which deals with underwriting, debt restructuring and the enhancement of the value of the underlying properties, or in the Real Estate Services area, which specialises in the valuation, technical analysis and management of real estate assets. 


The right occasion to become an illimiter 

An average age of thirty seven, 68% of employees under 40, a gender balance with 45 % of women and 55% of men: the illimity Group, of which ARECneprix is a member, is an organisation that has turned the vision of the founder and chief executive officer, Corrado Passera, into a reality, “making profits to be useful”. A catalyst of figures and talents where the technological mind combines with attention to people and the propensity to seek tailored solutions. 

Find out more about the program and send in your application! 

logoArec neprix S.p.A. is the new company of illimity Bank, dedicated to credit management and focused on corporate customers * .Fully paid up Share capital € 50,000.00Office: Via Soperga, 9 - 20127 Milano | Via Abruzzi, 3 - 00187 Roma Tax Code and Registration no. Of the Companies Register of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi: 10130330961Economic Administrative Index MI- 2507951Company participating in the "illimity" VAT Group No. 12020720962Company with sole shareholder belonging to Gruppo Illimity Bank S.p.A. registered in the Register of Banking Groups at No. 245.Company subject to management and coordination activities of illimity Bank S.p.A.
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Arec neprix S.p.A. is an operator authorised under art. 115 of the Consolidated Law on Public Security (Testo Unico delle Leggi di Pubblica Sicurezza, TULPS), Cat. 13d – Admin. and Social Police Div. n. 22/2022, authorisation of the Milan Police Headquarters. neprix is fully controlled by illimity Bank (www.illimity.com)