Mario Piccione
Head Commercial Real Estate Asset Management

After graduating with a degree in Management Engineering at the Tor Vergata University in Rome and a degree in Finance at the LUISS University, Mario began his professional career in Banca IMI’s M&A team, then moving on to become a member of E&Y’s corporate finance group.

Two years later he joined GWM, a private equity fund manager, as investment associate, looking after investments in the real estate and large RE UTP sectors. This was followed by the creation and development of Aurora Recovery Capital, where he worked as Portfolio Manager, with responsibilities gradually increasing until reaching his current position as Head of Commercial Real Estate Asset Management in ARECneprix.

Mario is passionate about modern art and sport, in particular football, ski-ing and tennis.

He is married to Virginia and they have two sons, Filippo Alfredo and Giorgio.

logoArec neprix S.p.A. is the new company of illimity Bank, dedicated to credit management and focused on corporate customers * .Fully paid up Share capital € 50,000.00Office: Via Soperga, 9 - 20127 Milano | Via Abruzzi, 3 - 00187 Roma Tax Code and Registration no. Of the Companies Register of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi: 10130330961Economic Administrative Index MI- 2507951Company participating in the "illimity" VAT Group No. 12020720962Company with sole shareholder belonging to Gruppo Illimity Bank S.p.A. registered in the Register of Banking Groups at No. 245.Company subject to management and coordination activities of illimity Bank S.p.A.
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Arec neprix S.p.A. is an operator authorised under art. 115 of the Consolidated Law on Public Security (Testo Unico delle Leggi di Pubblica Sicurezza, TULPS), Cat. 13d – Admin. and Social Police Div. n. 22/2022, authorisation of the Milan Police Headquarters. neprix is fully controlled by illimity Bank (